Screening For Prostate Cancer ICD-10

| PR Labs

Advancements and breakthroughs in medicine over the last century have helped most people get the proper care they need for their health. Though it has brought down the mortality rates for various diseases and illnesses, one particular field of research still proves problematic in medical science to this day; cancer.

According to the CDC, it is the second-largest cause of death in the United States alone, accounting for over 600,000 deaths a year. Even though treatment options have become more widely available, they do not come without risks, high cost, uncertainty of success, and a lifestyle change. However, if detected early, recovery is possible and survival is more likely.

After breast and lung cancer, prostate cancer ICD-10 is the third most diagnosed cancer in the world and number one most diagnosed in men. While the risk increases with age, it is one of the most survivable types of cancer to recover from, boasting a near 99% survival rate.

What Is Prostate Cancer ICD-10?

Like most other cancers, prostate cancer occurs when cells continuously grow out of control in the prostate, a small gland beneath the bladder responsible for seminal fluid production. Unlike normal cell division, where a healthy cell lives, grows and dies to create new cells to take its place, cancer cells ignore this process entirely. They multiply as damaged cells and bypass signals in the body that tell it to stop growing and when to die, often forming large lumps of tissue called tumors. What makes these cells dangerous is that they can move and invade other parts of the body, whereas healthy cells do not.

How Do I Get Screened?

The standard screening for prostate cancer ICD-10 is done by taking a blood test and measuring how much of a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is in your blood. Your doctor will take into account your age and prostate size and determine what your score means, looking for normal and abnormal ranges to help determine your prostate health. Other methods might include an ultrasound to check for tumors or even a prostate biopsy, in which a small sample of your prostate tissue is collected and analyzed. In general, men are encouraged to take the PSA test every two to three years as prostate cancer can often remain hidden for a few years before showing any clear symptoms.

Another method of screening for prostate cancer, ICD-10 is done by a Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) in which a health care provider checks a man’s prostate through the rectum with a gloved, lubricated “digit” (finger), feeling for any sort of abnormalities. This method is often not recommended due to a lack of evidence of accuracy for most patients.


Depending on how aggressive or slow-growing the cancer is, you might not need any sort of treatment right away, and your doctor might recommend active surveillance if it does not seem to be affecting your overall health. If you have a more advanced stage of cancer, surgery to remove the prostate and surrounding affected areas is an option, most commonly done with a surgical robot that makes small incisions in your abdomen to remove the prostate. In severe cases, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy can also be viable options.

Who Is At Risk?

Being biologically male is the primary risk seeing as only men have a prostate. That being said, the risk is much higher for males as they age between 55 and 69, with most prostate cancer diagnoses occurring within this range. Some doctors might advise that you start screenings as early as 40 years old, particularly if you have a first-degree relative such as a brother or father who has had prostate cancer, two extended family members who have also had it, or are a person of African-American descent, as they may have a higher risk of development.

What Factors Increase Risk?

Cancer cells form as a result of a change in genetics. This can happen due to damage in DNA from harmful substances and environmental factors, which include chemicals in smoking tobacco, alcohol consumption, air pollution, radiation, poor diet, high body mass, and more. Often, these changes can be inherited. Normally, the human body is capable of removing damaged DNA, but as we age, it becomes more difficult to do so, allowing cancer cells to grow. Cancer prevention actions like maintaining a clean diet and lifestyle and avoiding exposure to harmful substances and radiation can significantly lower your overall risk.

As cancer proves to be one of the leading causes of death worldwide, it is suggested that getting screened for prostate cancer regularly at your doctor's discretion is the best way to prevent the spread and detect early signs of it in the body. By doing so, your chances of survival are very high and will benefit your overall health as you get older.

Remember that prostate health is of utmost importance, and if you want to start taking prostate supplements, you have come to the right place. Prost-P10x is a urologist-formulated natural prostate and urinary health support supplement. The formula is packed with antioxidants and natural ingredients that promote normal prostate and urinary function.